Safe Banking: ICICI Bank will never send you e-mails asking for confidential details of your account/ PIN/ Password or personal parameters such as date of birth, mother's maiden name etc. Beware of anyone asking you for such info on behalf of the bank through e-mails or phone calls. While it is our constant endeavour to provide you with the best of online services & facilities, the Bank is not responsible for any erroneous or wrong transactions made by you.The Bank shall also not be responsible for misuse of your account arising from any wrong , inadvertent or other kind of disclosure of such details by you.
AccountsCurrent account, Specialized Current account, Escrow account and more
Current accountDomestic, Multinational companies, Startup, Dividend Account and more
Current account
DomesticThe Current Account product provides a range of services like Anywhere Banking in India
StartupAn end-to-end solution for startup founder which includes tailor made bundled products
CA for Power of AttorneyFacilities are available to customer in this accounts without limitation on transactions like Cash deposit/withdrawal
Dividend AccountIt facilitates payments to shareholders / investors / beneficiaries at specified locations across the country for dividend
Government e-marketplace (GeM) accountAccount specifically designed for government suppliers
Specialized Current accountAccount for Indian Entities, Account for Foreign Entities and more
Escrow accountEscrow account, Digi Escrow and more
Fixed DepositsFixed Deposites and more
Securities AccountScheme of deposit a/c, DEMAT and more
Securities Account
Settlement a/c for all the securities & commodities exchangesSettlement a/c for all the securities & commodities exchanges
Scheme of deposit a/cThese accounts are used for keeping the secuties provided as margin with exchanges
DEMAT (Custodial/non-custodial)Holding and transacting with securities in dematerialized form
EEFC AccountEEFC Account and more
Vostro accountINR Vostro account, ACU Dollar account and more
TransactCorporate Internet Banking, Trade Online, InstaBIZ and more
Online PlatformTrade Online, Corporate Internet Banking, Trade Online and more
Online Platform
Corporate Internet BankingICICI Bank's Corporate Internet Banking (CIB) is a one stop shop for all your online banking needs
Trade OnlineA digital banking platform for quick, paperless trade transaction
InstaBIZInstaBIZ is an app for business customers to access banking accounts and do transactions on both mobile and tablet devices
Trade EmergeA first-of-its kind offering for businesses to optimize their trade journeys and grow in a revamped ecosystem
Forex PlatformsSeamless execution and market making through a range of channels for your remittance requirements
TradechainTrade chain: One solution for all your Domestic Trade Requirement
Corporate SWIFTSWIFT India, a joint venture between Swift Global and 11 local banks
CorpConnectCorpConnect and more
Trade servicesDigital Solutions, Imports, Business FX, iDealz, CCIL – FX Retail, iBullion
Trade services
Digital Solutionse-LC, e-BG, e-DOCS, e-SOFTEX, i-DOCS, i-FIRS, i-BoE, e-WAY BILL
Trade EmergeA first-of-its kind offering for businesses to optimize their trade journeys and grow in a revamped ecosystem
ImportsImports and more
ExportsExports and more
Bank GuaranteesBank Guarantees and more
RemittancesRemittances and more
Inland TradeInland Trade and more
FactoringFactoring and more
Trade MIS & One ViewTrade MIS & One View and more
API SolutionsAPI Solutions and more
Foreign Direct InvestmentForeign Direct Investment and more
Cash management ServicesDigital Payments, Digital Collections and more
Cash management Services
Digital PaymentsBulk Payments, Salary Payments, Bill Payments
Digital CollectionsAPI based collection, E-collection (Virtual Account), Pay2Corp
Cash & ChequeDoorstep Banking, Digi-Q, Cheque collection
Statutory SolutionsTax Payments, Employee Provident Fund Payment (EPF), Employee State Insurance Payment (ESI)
Specialized ServicesCustomized statements, Supply chain Solutions, Liquidity management system
Connected EnterpriseAPI Platform, Host to Host, SWIFT, SFTP
GSTMake your GST payments through our branch or with internet banking
FactoringDomestic factoring, Export factoring and more
Global Market ServicesForex Desk, Derivative Desk and more
Global Market Services
Forex DeskCustomised Hedging and Trading solutions, across markets and time zones, through dedicated Forex Relationship Managers
Derivative DeskOffers customised Hedging solutions to clients by structuring using Interest Rate (IR) and Foreign Exchange (FX) products like Swaps and Options
Bullion DeskSupplying physical Gold/Silver to Bullion traders and jewellery manufacturers by way of Outright sale and Gold Metal Loan products
Bond DeskOur Debt Syndication Desk offers end-to-end services related to the origination and placement of bonds & commercial papers across various Issuer and Investor segments
Custodial ServicesDDP Registration, Depository Participant (DP) Services and more
Custodial Services
DDP RegistrationDDP Registration and more
Depository Participant (DP) ServicesDepository Participant (DP) Services
Equities and Fixed Income InstrumentsEquities and Fixed Income Instruments and more
Derivatives clearing servicesDerivatives clearing services and more
Local Custodian for Depository ReceiptsLocal Custodian for Depository Receipts
Fund accountingFund accounting and more
Web CustodyWeb Custody and more
CSGL servicesCSGL services and more
Income CollectionIncome Collection and more
Corporate ActionsCorporate Actions and more
Regulatory reporting & important LinksRegulatory reporting & important Links
Tax Payment SupportTax Payment Support and more
Capital Market ServicesProfessional Clearing Services, Settlement services for exchanges and more
Capital Market Services
Professional Clearing ServicesFor cash, currency, future & options and more
Settlement services for exchangesFor all the Domestic and IBU-Gift City exchanges and more
Digital solutions for Bulk Collection & PaymentsTo take care of Pay in & Pay outs from end clients
CSGL Account ServicesFacilitates clearing, settlement & related services for G-Sec and T-bill
Collection Banker for primary market issuancesLeading Bankers to the Issue (BTI) and collecting bankers for all types primary market issuances
Sponsor BankerAs a sponsor banker for UPI enabled IPO deals
Escrow and Paying BankerFor mergers and acquisitions; Exit Offers-Delisting & Open Offer
CreditPopular, Others, Capital Market Services and more
PopularOverdraft, Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) and more
Resolution Framework 2.0Resolution Framework 2.0 as per RBI Guidelines for COVID-19 related stress
OverdraftOverdraft and more
Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM)Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) and more
Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS)Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) and more
Letter of Credit Backed Bill Discounting (LCBD)Letter of Credit Backed Bill Discounting (LCBD) and more
e-Discounting Systeme-Discounting System and more
FactoringFactoring and more
Reverse FactoringReverse Factoring and more
Corporate CardsCorporate Cards and more
OthersExport Finance, Import Finance, Commercial Paper and more
Export FinanceExport Finance and more
Import FinanceImport Finance and more
Cash/SBLC backed facilitiesCash/SBLC backed facilities and more
Commercial PaperCommercial Paper and more
Gold Metal LoanProduct offering, where a jeweller borrows gold metal instead of working capital limit in INR and settles the loan with sale proceeds
Working Capital FacilityWorking Capital Facility and more
Capital Market ServicesIntraday limits, Overdraft limits and more
Capital Market Services
Bank guarantees for exchange margin purposeBank guarantees for exchange margin purpose
Intraday limitsIntraday limits and more
Overdraft limitsOverdraft limits and more
Working Capital Demand Loan (WCDL)Working Capital Demand Loan (WCDL)
Loan against own securitiesLoan against own securities and more
Loan against propertyLoan against property and more
Non fund based productsLetter of credit, Bank guarantee and more
Fund based productsCMS facility, Overdraft limits and more
Fund based products
CMS facility – for cheque collectionCMS facility – for cheque collection
Foreign currency term loan (FCTL)Foreign currency term loan (FCTL)
Line of credit for short term loan (LOCSTL)Line of credit for short term loan (LOCSTL)
One time short term loan (OTSTL)One time short term loan (OTSTL)
Working capital demand loan (WCDL)Working capital demand loan (WCDL)
Export packing credit / pre shipment credit in foreign currency (EPC/ PCFC)Export packing credit / pre shipment credit in foreign currency (EPC/ PCFC)
Post shipment creditPost shipment credit and more
Foreign Currency Non Resident Account (FCNR B)Foreign Currency Non Resident Account (FCNR B)
External Commercial Borrowing (ECB)External Commercial Borrowing (ECB)
Mutual fund backed OverdraftMutual fund backed Overdraft and more
Fixed Deposit backed OverdraftFixed Deposit backed Overdraft and more
Non-convertible debenturesNon-convertible debentures and more
Targeted Long Term Repo Operation (TLTRO)Targeted Long Term Repo Operation (TLTRO)
Foreign Currency Convertible Bond (FCCB)Foreign Currency Convertible Bond (FCCB)
Domestic FactoringDomestic Factoring and more
Export factoringExport factoring and more
Payables financingPayables financing and more
Reimbursement financingReimbursement financing and more
CareCare for Self, Care for Employee and more
Care for SelfTrade One view & MIS, i-BOE and more
Care for EmployeeInsurance Services, Salary, Housing Loan and more
Care for PartnerSupply Chain Solutions and more
Care for Partner
GrowthSpecialized solution, Economic Research and more
Specialized solutioneASBA, FDI/ODI, Venture capital and more
Specialized solution
eASBAeASBA and more
Venture capitalVenture capital and more
Structured financeStructured finance and more
Debt CapitalDebt Capital and more
Equity capital market servicesEquity capital market services
Capital Account servicesCapital Account services and more
Dividend AccountDividend Account and more
Issuing and Paying Agents (IPA)Issuing and Paying Agents (IPA)
Economic ResearchResearch Reports, Treasurer's Corner and more
Economic Research
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Credit Card1800 1020 1239
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