Set goals and achieve them with ease
I want to start saving for
16 Months
December 2023
You Save
Interest Earned
15 months
Create iWish
Goal based savings in 60 seconds
- 01. Set target amount
- 02. Select the tenure
- 03. Set initial deposit amount
- 04. Select auto debit amount (optional)
Manage iWish
Goal based savings hassle-free
- 01. Tracking your goal has never been easier
- 02. Fund your iWish as and when you can
- 03. Change auto debit instruction
- 04. View all transactions
Create iWish
based savings
in 60 seconds

Manage iWish Goal based savings hassle-free

Rounding off your daily spends
any time, any where
Boost your iWish by rounding off your day-to-day transactions.
Round off to the nearest ₹50 and reach your target amount faster
iWish Goal Based Savings is a unique deposit which allows you to create goals to save for specific wishes. These goals are flexible Deposits with the added benefit of contributing any amount, at any point of time. You earn better interest rates on your Deposit just like a Fixed Deposit. For the rate of interest, click here.
iWish is a unique flexible Deposit which allows you to create goals to save for specific wishes.
You get added benefit of contributing any amount, at any point of time. You earn better interest rates on your Deposit just like a Fixed Deposit. To know the existing iWish interest rates, click here.
You can add money in your iWish Account through iMobile app and Internet Banking:
iMobile app:
Log in to iMobile app
Select iWish Goal Based Savings in Accounts & Deposits
Select the iWish Account you wish to fund
Click on Fund Now to transfer funds immediately or click on Set Standing Instruction to set up and fund regularly.
Internet Banking:
Log in to Internet Banking
Select Exclusive Offerings tab
Open your iWish dashboard
Click on Fund Now for the iWish you want to fund.
You can also enable auto debit to set up Standing Instruction for the iWish of your choice.
To know the existing iWish interest rates, click here.
To open iWish, click here.
You can withdraw money mid way (premature) from iWish by closing your goal.
However in that case, you will earn interest at the rate corresponding to the period the goal is held with the bank and the applicable penalty will be charged for premature closure of goal. If an iWish Account is prematurely closed, then the interest on it will be earned for the period it is held with the bank minus the premature closure charges of 0.5% if original tenure is less than 1 year and 1% for more than 1 year.