Key highlights as at March 31, 2023
Energy management and monitoring
Invest in design and technology
- Use of energy efficient equipment like 5-star rated air-conditioners, LED lights, Energy star labelled IT equipment in our premises
- Equipment-based monitoring and control system with a centralised Network Operating Centre
- Leveraged Internet of Things enabled Central Monitoring System

Operations and maintenance practices
- Adoption of green features at workspaces
- Implemented 24oC temperature policy at all offices and business centers
- Periodic energy audits and continuous improvement of energy KPIs

Use of renewable energy
- On site solar at 600+ sites
- Long term power purchase agreements for power through renewable sources
- Increasing adoption of green tariff from electricity distribution companies

Minimising paper consumption
- Digitisation of our operations and offering digital products and services
- Use of Forest Stewardship Council certified recycled paper for pre-printed forms at branches.

Water conservation
- Installation of water-efficient fixtures, compliant with IGBC guidelines at our offices and branches
- Water recycling facilities at our large offices where feasible, with a total capacity of 1,180 kilolitres per day.